
Train up a child and keep praying

By Billy Holland Every child, whether they turned out wonderful or less than desirable, is to some degree ...


Religion Briefs published Nov. 22, 2017

— Chapel Hill Baptist Church, located at 619 Longview Dr. in Nicholasville, is hosting an anniversary/revival on Dec. ...


A simple way for us all to live together

By Howard Coop For me, Feb. 12, 1960, was an unforgettable day. That Friday morning, I rose early ...


Letting go of hatred and unforgiveness

By Billy Holland How much grace does it take to love our enemies? Well, that is a good ...


Religion Briefs

— Chapel Hill Baptist Church, located at 619 Longview Dr. in Nicholasville, is hosting an anniversary/revival on Dec. ...


A reminder of debt we will forever owe

By Howard Coop For 98 years, Nov. 11 has been recognized as a very special day. For each ...


Mercy is the result of us finding humility

By Billy Holland It’s easy to be suspicious, and though it’s wrong, unfortunately it’s common to judge unfairly ...


Religion briefs published Nov. 09, 2017

— Chapel Hill Baptist Church, located at 619 Longview Dr. in Nicholasville, is hosting an anniversary/revival on Dec. ...


Words are indeed powerful

By Howard Coop Who remembers the words of a song children used to sing: “O be careful little ...


Fond memories with my grandparents

By Billy Holland An older man was telling a story the other day about his grandparents, and it ...

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