Fiscal court approves zoning changes

Published 9:30 am Monday, October 23, 2023

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At the Tuesday, Oct. 19, Jessamine County Fiscal Court meeting, the magistrates and judge-executive approved new business, including planning and zoning recommendations.

The court approved a recommendation to reduce the amount granted for a project at the Lamplight Estate on Keene and Versailles roads. Initially, $164,620 was given for the project, but it has been approved for a reduction to $109,926 as the work has been completed and cost less than was estimated.

Also, the court approved a zone map amendment for 920 Sulphur Well Road.

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On Sept 12, the planning commission recommended a zone change for the property from Agriculture-1 to Industrial-1. At the hearing, residents nearby the property were concerned about future uses that may stray from the intended use.

This local concern led the commission to recommend the zone change with a rule that allows only a contractor warehouse to be utilized on the property. If the property owners want to add anything to the property outside the confines of warehouse storage, they must return to the planning commission and make a request.

In other news:

Hayden Construction sent an invoice to the fiscal court for renovation work on the old jail. The court approved a motion to split this invoice with the city of Nicholasville and make a payment.

The court approved a request from chief deputy Dru Parsons to hire Dominic Adkins as deputy jailer.