Supporting Farmers
Published 9:33 am Thursday, February 22, 2018
By Evan Cook
For the sixth year, 4H and FFA have been teaming up to raise funds for their members.
Ashley Wagoner, the JCTC agriculture teacher and Jessamine County FFA advisor, said anyone in Kentucky who has a farm license tag has what they call an “Ag-Tag.”
“Renewal of these tags are different than renewals on regular car tags that are associated with birthdays,” Wagoner said. “Ag tags are all renewed in the month of March in the state of Kentucky. Anyone who is up for this renewal is asked to give the $10 donation to the 4-H and FFA programs in the state.”
Anyone registering or renewing tags for a farm vehicle will be able to donate that extra $10 to the programs, Wagoner said. The money then goes to supporting members of 4-H and FFA throughout the year, and is put towards leadership trips, camps and contests.
Wagoner said since the program started in 2012, it has reached higher goals across the state. Their first year, $358,220 was raised towards 4-H and FFA programs. Last year, $627,890 was raised, with Jessamine County being one of 10 of the top contributors, bringing in around $13,000.
Wagoner also said Jessamine County was recognized as the second highest county to increase in participation, from 41.38 percent of members in 2016 to 76.16 percent in 2017.
“We hope to continue to be one of the top counties in Ag-Tag donations for the state,” Wagoner said. “Jessamine County has a long history of supporting our FFA and 4-H programs as a community, and this is just one more way we hope to count on our community to come through and help our youth become productive citizens of tomorrow.”